$141,409 - $197,972
Starting salary will be commensurate with the selected candidate's qualifications and abilities.
The Village also offers a comprehensive and very attractive benefit package.
Residency is not required.
GLENCOE, IL (population 8,849) The Village of Glencoe is seeking a highly competent, experienced Public Safety Director to lead its dedicated team of public safety professionals.
Glencoe's Public Safety Department is the only fully consolidated, cross-trained public safety department in the State of Illinois where individuals are required to perform all three functions (certified police officers, firefighters and either EMT-Bs or Paramedics) throughout the year – sometimes even on the same shift. Dedicated to maintaining this unique but extremely effective public safety model, Glencoe is committed to the necessary training, equipment and resources to support the existing model.
Located on bluffs overlooking the shores of Lake Michigan approximately 20 miles north of Chicago, Glencoe is an affluent, beautiful community where the Village's 105 employees carry out a wide range of municipal services, with a customer-centric, concierge-level delivery. A small community that doesn't think like one, Glencoe values inclusion of all people and strives to be an employer of choice.
The incumbent Public Safety Director is retiring after 10 distinguished years with the Village and a total of 37-years in law enforcement/public safety. The new Director will be a champion of public safety services in Glencoe now and into the future. The Department's authorized staffing consists of 36 sworn officers (including seven Lieutenants and two Deputy Chiefs), three civilian Community Service Officers, four civilian administrative employees and several paid-on-call firefighters. One of two Deputy Chief positions remains vacant, pending input from the new Public Safety Director.
The Department offers a significant variety and amount of specialized training for its employees including water rescue, investigations, field training officer, evidence technician, juvenile officer and more, as well as participation on regional special teams and task forces, including MABAS, NIPAS and NORTAF teams. Emergency dispatching for the Department is accomplished through an intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Glenview.
The Public Safety Director is a key member of the Village's senior management team and reports to the Village Manager. The Director oversees a budget of approximately $11.2 million, which in 2023 includes $250,000 to remodel the Public Safety facility as well as significant investments in equipment and technology. The launch of the Department's first body-worn cameras is scheduled for later in 2023.
The new Director must demonstrate a commitment to creating a positive work culture, offer mentorship and consider integrating new methods to foster improved service delivery.
Apply online with resume, cover letter, and contact information for five professional references by May 5, to Kathleen Rush, Vice President, GovHR USA at:
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Police Jobs, Fire Jobs, Civilian Jobs